• Hungercureh@gmail.com
  • ‪+252 61 5742774‬

Volunteer with us

Be a Hunger hero with your community

Provision awareness and becoming the champions of Hunger cure. participating local food donation drivers with the help of crowdsourced food,planning,monitoring and distribution. building wiser team by inspiring,recruiting and training new hunger heroes locally.

About Us


We’re non-profit charity ogranization based in somalia

HUNGER CURE   is a non-political, non-profit humanitarian organization operating in Somalia that is committed to ending hunger,  reduce human suffering, promote community empowerment and resilience, protect human rights and respond to emergencies through a life-changing humanitarian interventions

  • 168K

    Farming Projects

  • 5M Ton

    Avoided wasting food

  • 37K 

    Supported Orphans

become a volunteer
Our Mission



Somalia has faced decades of conflict and lawlessness causing disruption of services in critical areas. Currently, more than 6 million people are facing food insecurity in Somalia due to failed rainy seasons. An estimated 1.4 million children under 5 faces acute malnutrition ; 330,000 of these faces severe acute malnutrion.Malnutrition is a major public health issue and it increases the risk of early death.


  • Food Security/Livelihoods
  • Primary Health and Nutrition Care Services
  •  Education
  • Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
what we do

We Donate to charity causes
around the region.

Water Delivery

Medicine Help

Save Plants

We Build & Create

Become a Volunteer


We’ve funded 10 charity projects for 200k people around Somalia

    Donate Today

    Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

    1. Protect and maintain shallow wells hand.
    2. Build community latrines to stop open defecation.
    3. Carry out water-trucking to provide clean water supply for use.
    4. Ensure health and hygiene promotion campaigns for the vulnerable
    5. Drill boreholes and equip with complete piping systems and water kiosks for easy accessibility of water to the IDPs and other vulnerables.
    6. Conduct training to community leaders on WASH.
    7. Ensure household water treatment and proper water storage.
    8. Promote and encourage the communities on rain water harvesting.
    Have any question about donation?

    Call Now: +252 610850686

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      Hunger Cure Designation

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      Hunger Cure Designation

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      Hunger Cure Designation