• Hungercureh@gmail.com
  • ‪+252 61 5742774‬

About Us

We’re non-profit charity ogranization.

Hunger Cure was formed to respond to humanitarian crises in the country after years of armed conflicts, communicable disease outbreaks, lawlessness, climate related shocks and poor social protection services in Somalia.

Aware of the high poverty rate and a wide range of social, economic challenges facing Somalia, HUNGER CURE (HC) will invest in the development of policies and advocacy to address the main causes of hunger and poverty.

HUNGER CURE (HC) will manage and scale-up intervention in Health, Nutrition, Water, sanitation/Hygiene promotion and continue to focus on similar priorities such as Education, Child protection and food insecurity.

FOR Hunger Cure.

We intends to achieve a nation free from hunger and an all-inclusive, empowered and resilient people who have the capacity to respond to human sufferings effectively.



Somalia has faced decades of conflict and lawlessness causing disruption of services in critical areas. Currently, more than 6 million people are facing food insecurity in Somalia due to failed rainy seasons.

An estimated 1.4 million children under 5 faces acute malnutrition ; 330,000 of these faces severe acute malnutrion.Malnutrition is a major public health issue and it increases the risk of early death.

We are therefore investing more on scaling up of nutrition intervention to prevent and manage acute malnutrion in Somalia.


We entirely cater our money for lifesaving humanitarian project and ensure the little donated to us are used for taking care of the vulnerable communities in Somalia.


HUNGER CURE   is a non-political, non-profit humanitarian organization operating in Somalia that is committed to ending hunger,  reduce human suffering, promote community empowerment and resilience, protect human rights and respond to emergencies through a life-changing humanitarian interventions.

  • 168K

    Plants Protected

  • 5M Ton

    Water Conserved

  • 37K Sqmi.

    Ocean Proteced

become a volunteer

Our Mission


We believe that we can save more lifes with you.

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Our strategic priorities up to 2020 are:

  • Protecting charities from abuse or mismanagement
  • Enabling trustees to run their charities effectively
  • Encouraging greater transparency and accountability
Join With Us
what we do

We Donate to charity causes
around the world.

Water Delivery

Medicine Help

Save Plants

We Build & Create


Thank you to our
wonderful volunteers

Years of Foundation
monthly donors
incredible volunteers
successful campains

Trusted by the
biggest brand.

Hunger Cure